Photograph of two drawings in a dark brown, wooden frame, hung on a textured, white wall. The frame is hinged in the middle. The two drawings are connected by a piece of bright red fabric that's been molded around wire mesh to create a 3-D shape. The drawing on the left is a naked self-portrait of the artist holding open their chest. The red shape emerges from their chest, sweeps down toward their knees, crosses over to the next drawing, where it enters the chest of another naked self-portrait.
Heart to HeartPen, ink, paper, wire mesh, fabric, frame2015
Photograph of the above drawings, taken from a different angle. The left figure is shown in close-up, cut off mid-thigh. The right figure is slightly out of focus.
Heart to Heart (detail)
Photograph of the above drawings from a different angle. The right figure is shown in close-up from about the waist up. The red shape connecting the drawings is the primary focus. The left figure is very out of focus.
Heart to Heart (detail)